About Us
Embrace Work-life balance
Welcome to ehotelshr.com, your job platform dedicated to the hospitality industry. With over 20 years of hospitality expertise and network, we specialize in promoting Full-time and Half-time job openings to provide flexibility that meets everyone’s needs. Our platform is designed to attract a larger talent pool and enhance productivity for employers while helping job seekers find jobs that suit their lifestyles. Whether you are a Gen Z dreamer, a super mom, or an early retiree mentor looking for full-time or half-time job, we help you find your balance.
全職或半職? 理想點就點!
Achieving Your Work-Life balance
How It Works?
Job for anyone, anywhere

Free Resume Assessments
Employers on average spend 31 seconds scanning
resumes to identify potential matches.

Job Fit Scoring
Our new fit meter shows you which jobs are most
relevant to your skills and interests.

Help Every Step of the Way
Our career advice section is full of information
to help you identify the right fit.

Call us
+852 2523 1882
Suite 9C, Ho Lee Commercial Building,
38-44 D’Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong.
[email protected]